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About Z-Scores

Z-scores are a mathematically precise way to quantify fantasy player value. They let us compare player strength with a single value.

A Z-score of 0.00 is an average player.

A Z-score of 1.00 is a standard deviation above average (really good).

Similarly, -1.00 is a standard deviation below average (really bad).

Z-scores are calculated across all categories. We can use z-scores to compare whether 15 points is more valuable than 6 rebounds. FantaZscores also calculates z-scores for your specific team. Making it easy to draft, punt categories, trade, and make pickups. .

Fantasy basketball player strength is hard to evaluate. At the time of writing this (2022), Luka Doncic is perceived by most to be a top 10 player in the NBA. However, if we calculate his value mathematically he barely cracks the top 30 in most leagues.

Z-Scores allow us calculate and assign a value to each player. This allows us to compare and rank players. Using this ranking system we can determine that Luka is not a top 10 player yet in standard category leagues.

Another question we must answer is how do we compare players that are strong in different categories. What’s more valuable to draft - a player averaging four three pointers or nine rebounds? What about two steals vs. eight assists?

Z-Scores allow us to answer those questions. They let us determine standardized scores across different categories. For instance, we can quantify the fantasy value of 20 points and compare it to the value of 10 rebounds.

FantaZscores provides player rankings, a trade analyzer, and allows you to select players as you would when drafting your actual fantasy team. This lets you view how your team will likely perform across different categories based on past player performance. This is particularly useful for determining which categories you should be punting in your draft.

My team
A custom built team that is punting free throw percentage.

Punting is when we decide not to care about some categories in order to put more emphasis on those remaining. Z-Scores will change depending on what categories you decide to punt. Oftentimes, we will pick the best player available for the first couple rounds of our draft, and then decide based on those players, which category to punt. FantaZscores provides a simple interface for determining which categories to punt and updating player values accordingly.